# Mail If you would like to contact me, you can email me. Here is a list of emails on the `arbuz.icu` domain for different purposes: * [mail@arbuz.icu](mailto:mail@arbuz.icu] – This is my primary public email address, which I use exclusively for personal purposes. * [tech@arbuz.icu](mailto:tech@arbuz.icu] – Please feel free to contact me via email for any assistance related to my expertise, project proposals, or job opportunities. * [police@arbuz.icu](mailto:police@arbuz.icu] – Email for interacting with government authorities. I hope to never receive any correspondence at this email address, as I am not in violation of any laws or regulations. * [love@arbuz.icu](mailto:love@arbuz.icu] – A unique email address is available for fans to send personal suggestions. The address was suggested by an acquaintance who is interested in finding me a life partner. If you have a personal question that may interest me, you may also use this address. All of my other emails are private. I do not wish to disclose them to the public, so there is no need for anyone to know about them. Kindly refrain from sending any emails to those addresses. I do not wish to disclose them to the public, so there is no need for anyone to know about them. Besides email, I have accounts on other messaging platforms where you can reach me, including: * My telegram account – [`@Grey31`](https://t.me/Grey31) * My telegram channel (RU-speaking only) – [`@marakarka`](https://t.me/marakarka) * My Discord account – `mrkrk` I have accounts on non-messenger platforms as well, but messaging is not available on those platforms. Therefore, I will not list them here. When sending me a message, please address me by my name (Viktor) and include your name at the end for my convenience. Please write in a professional manner, avoiding mistakes whenever possible. Thank you in advance.