# Arbuz Journal This section of the website is probably the most interesting and informative one. It offers a diverse range of published content on a variety of topics, which are of interest to our audience. The articles available here are published in various formats and languages, as determined by the author. Please note that the resource materials are not officially translated into other languages. ## Journal * [Elastic Collisions Simulation](https://arbuz.icu/blog/1d-collisions/) — `{30.04.2024}` * [Прогноз ВП или методика определения граничных баллов [Русский]](https://arbuz.icu/blog/prognoz-vp) — `{12.04.2024}` * [Portable Minecraft Server](https://arbuz.icu/blog/portable-minecraft) — `{10.03.2024}` * [China Tour](https://arbuz.icu/blog/china-tour) — `{22.01.2024}` * [TODAY project](https://arbuz.icu/blog/today-project) — `{27.12.2023}`