from typing import Annotated import hashlib import jwt from fastapi import Depends, HTTPException, Header from sqlalchemy import select from models import settings import database def hash_password(password: str, salt: str) -> str: return hashlib.sha512((password + salt).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() def verify_admin(password: Annotated[str, Header(alias="x-token")]): if password.strip() != settings.admin_password: raise HTTPException(401, "Unauthorized") return True async def verify_user(token: Annotated[str, Header(alias="x-token")]) -> database.User: try: data = jwt.decode( token, algorithms=["HS256"], options={"verify_signature": False} ) except jwt.exceptions.DecodeError: raise HTTPException(401, "Invalid token") if "sub" not in data and not isinstance(data["sub"], int): raise HTTPException(401, "Invalid token") async with database.sessions.begin() as session: stmt = select(database.User).where( == data.get("sub")) db_request = await session.execute(stmt) user = db_request.scalar_one_or_none() if user is None: raise HTTPException(401, "Invalid token") try: jwt.decode(token, settings.secret + user.password, algorithms=["HS256"]) except jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError: raise HTTPException(401, "Invalid token") session.expunge(user) return user User = Annotated[database.User, Depends(verify_user, use_cache=False)] Admin = Annotated[bool, Depends(verify_admin, use_cache=False)]