.. currentmodule:: boticordpy .. other: Other Information ================= ########## Listeners ########## When you work with BotiCord Webhooks you may receive a lot of events. To make it easier to handle them there is a list of the events you can receive: .. csv-table:: :header: "BotiCord Events", "Meaning" :widths: 20, 20 "test_webhook_message", "Test message." "new_bot_comment", "On new bot comment" "edit_bot_comment", "On bot comment edit" "delete_bot_comment", "On bot comment delete" "new_bot_bump", "On new bot bump" "new_server_comment", "On new server comment" "edit_server_comment", "On server comment edit" "delete_server_comment", "On server comment delete" "new_server_bump", "On new server bump" ################## Callback functions ################## .. warning:: Callback functions must be a **coroutine**. If they aren't, then you might get unexpected errors. In order to turn a function into a coroutine they must be ``async def`` functions.