.. currentmodule:: boticordpy .. quickstart: Quickstart ========== **For more examples or information about other features check Github-Repo.** Installation ------------ Enter one of these commands to install the library: :: pip install boticordpy :: python3 -m pip install boticordpy Or just clone the repo: https://github.com/boticord/boticordpy Examples ------------------------- **Discord.py Autopost example** :: from discord.ext import commands from boticordpy import BoticordClient bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!") async def get_stats(): return {"servers": len(bot.guilds), "shards": 0, "users": len(bot.users)} async def on_success_posting(): print("stats posting successfully") boticord_client = BoticordClient("your_api_token") autopost = ( boticord_client.autopost() .init_stats(get_stats) .on_success(on_success_posting) ) bot.run("bot token") .. **Discord.py Webhooks example** :: from discord.ext import commands from boticordpy import webhook bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!") async def edit_bot_comment(data): print(data.comment.new) boticord_webhook = webhook.Webhook("x-hook-key", "bot").register_listener("edit_bot_comment", edit_bot_comment) boticord_webhook.start(5000) bot.run("bot token") ..