# Migration Guilde You can use this guide to make it easier to switch to new version (3x) of boticordpy. ## Upgrading boticordpy Run this command in terminal: ```pip install boticordpy --upgrade``` ## BoticordClient With a new BotiCord token system you don't need to specify type of token: ### Was: ```py boticord_client = BoticordClient( "Bot your_api_token", version=2 ) ``` ### Became: ```py boticord_client = BoticordClient( "your_api_token", version=3 ) ``` You can get a new token in your account settings (not a bot's!) ![Get token here](https://i.ibb.co/wJM7DCq/image.png) ## Autoposting Since the token is no longer connected to the bot you need to specify the ID when starting the autoposting: ### Was: ```py autopost = ( boticord_client.autopost() .init_stats(get_stats) .on_success(on_success_posting) .start() ) ``` ### Became: ```py autopost = ( boticord_client.autopost() .init_stats(get_stats) .on_success(on_success_posting) .start("id_of_your_bot") # <--- ID of your bot ) ``` ## Webhook or websocket... that is the question Webhooks are no longer supported in boticordpy. You can find guide how to use boticord websocket [here](https://github.com/boticord/boticordpy/blob/master/examples/websocket.py). ## Extra changes There are some additional changes to the data models and new search methods added. So, I recommend you to read [the docs](https://py.boticord.top/)